Friday, March 4, 2011

With a bang

This is a dream I just woke up from and I want to try and get it down while it's still fresh.

It started with my last day from the job I just recently quit, but it happened differently. For some reason, all of the employees were forced to sleep at the office due to some horrible event which was happening all over the world. There were no details concerning just exactly what was transpiring outside the walls, but everyone was panicked and I wasn't even allowed to go outside for a smoke. I had some heartfelt conversations with fellow coworkers which now escape me.

The next thing I know, I'm outside with woods all around me. Some time had passed and I was fully knowledgeable of why I was forced to previously stay inside. There was some kind of epidemic which was being passed to us by the animals. Doctors likened it to rabies (similar to 28 days later) but it worked differently. I don't know why and I quickly let it go because suddenly I was surrounded by a pack of snarling dogs and they were more deserving of my attention.

I could tell they wanted to rip my throat out, but they kept their distance. I was scared, but I knew everything was going to be ok, because for some reason nothing ever attacked me in this world. They were held back from doing so by some outside force, allowing me to walk past them unharmed. They followed me, snarling the entire time and viciously tore apart any person or creature that happened by.

Finally I came to a house I had never seen before and began knocking on the door. An older woman I'd only seen in pictures answered and said, "Thank God you made it, get inside!"

"Are you two ok?" I asked her, my voice matching her hysteria.

"No...she..." She struggled with the news I knew I wouldn't want to hear. "Oh, Davlin. She's gotten sick."

I let the weight of her words sink in before asking, "Where's my shotgun?"

She pointed to it and I loaded it up. I went to find her, the woman I loved, and when I looked into her eyes I could tell I was already starting to lose her.

"Just do it." Was all she could bring herself to say.

Tears began to fall down my cheeks and even though I knew I was immune, it wasn't safe to get too close. I asked her to turn around, which she did, and I put the barrel of my gun to the back of her head. My hands were shaking and it took me a few seconds to steady them. Then, I pulled the trigger.

The gun malfunctioned and did minimal damage and she was still alive. I pumped the gun and fired again, but she was still standing. I reloaded and emptied the gun again. She screamed in agony, but was still alive.

"For someone expected to save us all, you sure are bad at it." She told me, blood running from her mouth.

Tears flowed from my eyes as I repeated the process and the next shot finished the job. Once she was gone I let the gun fall to the floor. Sounds of a world falling apart could be heard outside of the house. I stood there in shock when her mom walked over to me, took me into her arms and together we grieved.

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