Saturday, March 5, 2011


The first prophetic dream I can remember having occurred during kindergarten (I believe, it's really hard to get it straight with how many times we moved) and after I heard the Voice for the first time. Mom and Jeff (my later to be step-dad) were separated and we were living in a trailer. I was sleeping when something woke me up. This is when the TV turned on by itself to reveal an old, bald man behind a news desk. His hands were bloody and sprayed gore whenever he moved them. He looked me dead in the eyes and said,

"This has been a long time coming. And now, ladies and gentleman, I give you..."

My bedroom window filled with a brilliant light and when I went to it and looked out I found that the sky was on fire.

"the end of the world." Then the TV shut off by itself and I don't remember anything else, not even waking up.

There's only once I can claim to have had an actual vision. It was after the previous dream and I was riding with mom and Jeff in his truck. They were talking amongst themselves and I sat quietly in the back seat, just like always. There was this brilliant flash and once it dissipated the world around me had changed.

The road we were driving on was cracked and littered with debris, which we drove through unscathed. Outside the passenger window I could see huge, gaping chasms with fire and molten rock spilling out of them. People were screaming and burning alive and when I looked up at the sky it was blood red. I was terrified, but they kept talking in the front seat like they were oblivious to the horrors happening all around us. Then, another flash brought everything back to normal. They didn't even notice how terrified I was in the back.

I've never told the second story before tonight, while the first served as the inspiration for Ch. 10 of Harbinger.

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